• Waste collection centers

Waste collection centers

From January 2014 investors or authorized contractors can bring construction waste and dispose of them at the Velenje collection centre only if they pay for their disposal, as construction waste is not considered municipal waste. Instead, construction waste belongs under the classification number 17.


When entering the collection centre, please follow the instructions and submit your personal identification and a PUP-Saubermacher bill.
It is important that you sort and prepare your waste in advance.
When placing waste in containers, please wear proper protection, in order to protect yourself from potential injuries.
To ensure safety at the collection centre, you are kindly asked to leave your children at home.
Leave hazardous waste in original packaging and separate from other waste.

Residents of municipalities Velenje, Šoštanj and Šmartno ob Paki can dispose of waste that belongs to the collection centre free of charge at any collection centre in the valley Šaleška dolina.
When you purchase a new electric or electronic appliance, accumulator or battery, you can dispose of your old appliances together with the packaging at the store where you purchased them or bring them to the nearest collection centre.
If you are planning to dispose of an appliance that is still working, please notify an employee of the collection centre.

does not belong among municipal waste. Waste must be disposed of in suitable containers at the collection centre for citizens.
For larger quantities of construction waste, you will need to make an agreement regarding the terms and conditions of the takeover, payment conditions and the issuing of appropriate documentation.

ASBESTOS WASTE must be properly packed and marked, and each delivery must be announced in advance to ensure proper takeover and unloading.
We also offer transport for all of the above services.

In addition to other waste, our company also has a permit for the takeover of construction waste under ARSO and transport permit.

PUP Saubermacher


PUP-Saubermacher d.o.o.
Koroška cesta 46, 3320 Velenje
T:  03 896 87 11
F:  03 896 87 19

E:  podjetje@pup-saubermacher.si

PUP Saubermacher

Uradne ure

Ponedeljek, sreda: 7.00 - 9.30 in 10.30 - 15.00
Četrtek, petek: 7.00 - 9.30 in 10.30 - 13.00
Torek: ni uradnih ur

V času uradnih ur lahko dobite informacije o ravnanju z odpadki tako, da iz položnice navedete številki plačnika in odjemnega mesta. S položnico lahko vstopate v zbirni center Velenje in Podhom.

Delovni čas zbirnih centrov

ZC Velenje
Od aprila do konca septembra:
ponedeljek - petek: 8.00 do 18.00
sobota: 8.00 do 12.00
dan pred praznikom odprto do 14.00
nedelje in prazniki zaprto

Od oktobra do konca marca:
ponedeljek - petek:  8.00 do 17.00
sobota: 8.00 do 12.00
dan pred praznikom odprto do 14.00
nedelje in prazniki zaprto
ZC Podhom
ponedeljek: 8.00 do 15.30
četrtek: 10.00 do 17.00
1. sobota v mesecu:
od 8:00 do 12:00 (v primeru, da je ta dan praznik, se prestavi na 2. soboto v mesecu)

dan pred praznikom odprto do 14.00
ZM Šmartno ob Paki
1. in 3. sobota v mesecu:
od 8.00 do 12.00
ob praznikih zaprto
ZM Šoštanj

2. in 4. sobota v mesecu:
od 9.00 do 12.00
ob praznikih zaprto

Varstvo osebnih podatkov
V primeru vprašanj s področja varstva osebnih podatkov oz. uveljavljanja vaših pravic se lahko obrnete na našo pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo osebnih podatkov.
Odvetnica Maja Škorić 
(Data protection Officer - DPO)
Verovškova 55, Ljubljana
e: dpo@pup-saubermacher.si
t: +386 (0)1 81 09 516
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